team spirit的词源


team (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English team "descendant, family, race, line; child-bearing, brood; company, band; set of draft animals yoked together," from Proto-Germanic *tau(h)maz (cognates: Old Norse taumr, Old Frisian tam "bridle; progeny, line of descent," Dutch toom, Old High German zoum, German Zaum "bridle"), probably literally "that which draws," from PIE *douk-mo-, from root *deuk- "to pull" (see duke (n.)).

Applied in Old English to groups of persons working together for some purpose, especially "group of people acting together to bring suit;" modern sense of "persons associated in some joint action" is from 1520s. Team spirit is recorded from 1928. Team player attested from 1886, originally in baseball.


team spirit:团队精神

team,团队,spirit,精神。 tear 撕裂,撕碎 来自古英语 teran,撕碎,撕扯,来自 Proto-Germanic*teran,撕碎,撕扯,来自 PIE*der,撕开, 皮肤,词源同 dermis,dermotology,turd.可能来自 PIE*da,分开,词源同 deal,time.

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